Education Material

Explore what our eLearning tracks and stand-alone tutorials have to offer

In addition to web content, Traders Island's education material revolves around two types of offerings: eLearning tracks and standalone tutorials. The tracks are generally composed of 8-9 main tutorials, and 3 more optional ones. On the other hand, standalone tutorials are individual tutorials that do not yet belong to a track. The below sections illustrate each offering individually.

eLearning Tracks

Traders Island (TI) aims to offer specialised TI eLearning tracks that take absolute beginners wishing to focus on a particular area on a journey covering basics all the way to advanced concepts. This does not exclude experts though since the advanced tutorials in a track may appeal to this audience. At the moment, only the Investment Manager track is being implemented. But watch this space for more track implementations in the next few months! 

Standalone Tutorials

Traders Island (TI) also offers standalone tutorials that discuss general concepts in depth. A tutorial may also cover a specialised topic that does not yet belong to one of the existing TI eLearning tracks. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, these tutorials will definitely hold something for you. They tend to be detailed and exhaustive, yet starting with basics where possible.

    Traders Island provides an all-rounded educational resource that combines theory and application. The theory part is presented in the form of information on the website as well as specialised tutorials. The application part is delivered through a free web-based platform and a fee-based downloadable spreadsheet.